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Unlock Your Dance Potential at the Technique Tune-Up Clinic!


Join us for an unforgettable weekend at the Technique Tune-Up Clinic, where you'll elevate your dance skills to new heights! This intensive workshop is designed to help dancers achieve consistent turns, higher jumps, straighter legs, and cleaner technique. Under the expert guidance of our highly qualified instructor, you'll refine your abilities and gain the confidence to shine on any stage.


Our clinic offers personalized attention, ensuring that each dancer receives the feedback and support needed to master their craft. Whether you're a beginner looking to build a strong foundation or an advanced dancer aiming to perfect your technique, this clinic is the perfect opportunity to take your dancing to the next level.


Highlights Include:

  • Consistent Turns: Learn the secrets to smooth, effortless spins and flawless pirouettes.

  • Higher Jumps: Discover techniques to increase your elevation and achieve stunning leaps.

  • Straighter Legs: Perfect your lines with exercises designed for optimal leg alignment.

  • Cleaner Technique: Focus on precision and clarity to enhance every movement.


Don't miss this chance to learn from the best and transform your dance technique. Reserve your spot today and dance your way to excellence!


Date: July 26 - 28
Time: 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Price: $225
Register HERE!


Spaces are limited, so secure your place and get ready to dance like never before!


Late registration (after July 15) increases to $275

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